The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) is partnering with federal and state agencies to support National Consumer Protection Week, March 6-12. The annual campaign encourages consumers to know and understand their rights and responsibilities in order to make better-informed decisions.
Consumer Protection Washington
Government agencies and organizations across Washington have come together to create Consumer Protection Washington, an advocacy group focused on keeping consumers safe by identifying and educating common issues including identity theft, fraud, online safety, credit and debt protection, charity scams and safety in the home and elsewhere.
Consumer Protection Tips
To avoid falling prey to scammers, it is important to remember the following:
- Do not give Social Security, financial or other personal information to strangers who make contact by phone, Internet or mail.
- Keep antivirus software up to date and be careful when surfing the Internet.
- Shred financial, tax, medical, insurance and other confidential records when no longer needed. BBB Northwest will be hosting a Secure Your ID Day in DuPont April 16.
- Trust your instincts. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.