Jump$tart Washington and the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) are sponsoring Financial Literacy Reading Days in Washington classrooms during Washington Financial Capability Month – in conjunction with Washington Money Smart Week April 18-25.
The reading days program provides a venue for community leaders to step out of their offices and into one of their city’s elementary schools to read a financial education story to Washington youth.
Each community leader also will lead students in an activity that more fully explores the concepts raised in the book: such as the importance of and power in saving, compound interest, investing, donating, working for money, not spending more than you have, etc.
Previous community leaders have included Washington State Treasurer James L. McIntire, mayors, legislators and city council members. The visit time would be approximately 30-45 minutes in the classroom.
Sign Up
If you are interested in being one of this year’s community leaders reading to elementary students, please select four dates and times during the month of April and we will work to secure a school to bring a Financial Literacy Reading Day to your community.
Additionally, if there is a particular school or classroom you would like to work with, please share the contact information with us and we will do our best to facilitate it.
Please email Katrina Roy at katrina.roy@dfi.wa.gov with dates, times, and specific schools.